The products available for download from our web site, including FastCAD®, EasyCAD®, and the free CADView® viewer, are governed by this license agreement. By installing the software, or any update to it, you agree to the terms posted on our web site in this document at the time you download the setup or update file or obtain a copy on a CD or DVD.
For your convenience, the software is not copy-protected. The program and its intellectual property, however, are protected by both United States Copyright Law and international copyright treaties. This software program is licensed, not sold.
This means you are free to use the software on a single computer at a single site, and to make archival backups for your personal use only, as protection from disk or computer failure. The licensed user of this program may make a second copy for his or her exclusive use on a portable computer.
In the event you use the program both at home and at work, you can install the software on a total of three computers, provided no more than one copy will ever be in use at one time. We ask that you not abuse this trust by making copies of either the software or the manual for use by others.
Use on networks is limited to storage or installing a copy of the program on a storage device, such as a network system, and the installed copy is used only to run this program on the licensed user's computer over an internal network. A dedicated license IS required for each separate computer or workstation on which the program is installed or run from the storage system. A single license for the program may not be shared or used concurrently on different computers or workstations.
You may move the program to a different computer by uninstalling any copies from the original computer and then installing it on a replacement computer. This allows machine hardware to be upgraded or repaired.
you may permanently transfer your rights to this program to another party, provided (a) you retain NO copies, and you transfer all components, printed materials, media, and registration of past and present versions of this software, (b) you notify us of the new license holder, and (c) the new license holder agrees to be bound by the terms of this license. You may not lend, lease, or rent this software program or its components.
For product marked "Educational", you must be a qualified educational user to install and use this program. If the product is marked Not for Resale or NFR, you may not sell, resell, or transfer this program or any of its components.
We will never give or sell to any third party any personal information we collect without your consent, unless we are required to do so by law. We respect your privacy and will protect it to the same extent we protect our most valuable information.
Please help us avoid the need for software protection by respecting the major investment of time and money that goes into developing quality software for you.
Evolution Computing, Inc. warrants that your licensed FastCAD® and EasyCAD® software will perform substantially in accordance with the provided documentation for a period of ninety (90) days from the date of receipt. In the event of defects in the distribution diskettes or documentation, Evolution Computing, Inc. will replace them on request. In the event of deviations in the software, Evolution Computing, Inc. will make a reasonable effort to bring the software into conformance with the manual and to provide you with a corrected version as soon as possible.
This warranty is void if the software failure has resulted from abuse, accident, or misapplication. Evolution Computing, Inc.'s liability is limited to refund of the money paid for the software, and in no event will Evolution Computing, Inc. be liable for any indirect or consequential damages that may arise (including damages for loss of business profits, business information, or other pecuniary losses).
Remember, you may make copies of this software for archival backup purposes only.
US GOVERNMENT RESTRICTED RIGHTS. The software program and documentation are provided with RESTRICTED RIGHTS. Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013 or subparagraphs (c)(1) and (2) of the Commercial Computer Software - Restricted Rights at 48 CFR 52.227-19, as applicable. The Contractor/manufacturer is Evolution Computing, Inc., 7000 North 16th Street, Suite 120 - #514, Phoenix, AZ USA 85020
What follows are our current policies - we are free to change these at any time by posting changes to our web site. Note that the privacy statement is part of the license agreement above, and as such the terms in effect as described for the license govern privacy issues. This prevents us from changing the privacy policy that applies to you unless when you obtain an update or new download of the product.
We provide downloadable evaluation versions of our products that are fully functional for 14 different dates of use, in order to enable you to make an informed decision as to the suitability of our products for your use.
Upon purchase, you will receive an authorization key which will convert the program to fully-authorized status. No hardware or system specific information is needed - only your name. Use of the installation key will prevent changing the customer name. If this is necessary, you will need to obtain a new authorization key at no charge.
Unauthorized demo programs create files that may not be used on a different install of the demo program, but may be used on any authorized installation of the software.
Support is available at no additional cost either by email, online BBS, or telephone (you pay the phone charges) during office hours. Support will be provided for all versions of our products as long as you are an authorized customer and we remain in business, but we may choose not to fix bugs in, revise, or update product versions we no longer sell.
We periodically release free updates to currently-supported software and make these updates available via web download. We recommend that you keep your installation current, and we may require the latest update for a particular product be installed to process certain support requests.