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Wide Lines and Thick Lines in FastCAD 32 Running Another Program from FastCAD 32 Printing to a File with FastCAD 32 and Windows 95 FastCAD 32 and Windows Text Custom Icons in FastCAD 32 Macros: Converting the DOS Divide macros for use in FastCAD 32 What's new in FastCAD 32 release 5.20
EasyCAD for Windows (16-bit) last updated 5-16-1996

Improved DXF Drivers

Improved DXF drivers for reliable and robust file interchange. Install these eXternal Procedures (XP's) into your EasyCAD for Windows directory. These drivers ship with EasyCAD for Windows 4.55.

Download DXF Drivers

Updated 16-bit EasyCAD Help File

Newest on-line help file for EasyCAD for Windows, version 4.55. Copy the file ecad.hlp into your EasyCAD for Windows directory. This help file ships with EasyCAD for Windows 4.55.

Download 16-bit EasyCAD Help File
FastCAD/EasyCAD DOS - All DOS drivers last updated 1994

Display (Video) Drivers for FastCAD or EasyCAD2 (DOS).

Updated video drivers provide support for newer video cards and higher resolutions, including VESA standard implementations. A supported hardware list is available to determine compatibility. Most video cards manufactured since 1995 do not support any of the DOS higher resolution modes other than the Standard VGA 640x480 16 color mode driver.

The binary installable video drivers file is no longer available. A file containing all available driver's source and xp development toolkit files is available: FastCAD/EasyCAD DOS Video Driver Source and Toolkit Files

Plotter/Printer Drivers for FastCAD or EasyCAD2 (DOS).

Updated drivers provide support for newer printers and plotters, including HPGL2 and Postscript language. Most printers manufacturered since 1995 require a Windows 95 or higher application to print and do not support DOS applications. The DOS drivers for HP LaserJet and DesignJet printers will work. A supported hardware list is available to determine compatibility. See file plotters.hlp included in the zip file for installation instructions (this is a text file - not a Windows help file).

Download Plotter/Printer Drivers for FastCAD or EasyCAD2 (DOS).

Revised DXF Drivers (DOS)for FastCAD or EasyCAD2 (DOS).

Updated and robust DXF drivers provide support for AutoCAD release 12 compatibility are available. See file dxf.hlp included in the zip file for installation instructions (this is a text file - not a Windows help file).

Download DXF Drivers (DOS)for FastCAD or EasyCAD2 (DOS).

Bonus Macros for FastCAD or EasyCAD2 (DOS).

Script files provide over 100 macros to increase drawing productivity. For further details, the "readme" file included with the downloaded zip file.

Download Macros for FastCAD or EasyCAD2 (DOS).
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