Evolution Computing
The Floating Toolbar
fastcad2.com - March 14, 2025
The Floating Toolbar

We use a floating toolbar, in its own window. This means that each document window has more space to display the document. All document windows share the same toolbar, which you can place anywhere on the screen. One click on the circular menu brings it up, or brings it to where the mouse is if it is already open elsewhere.

You can drag template items from the toolbar, click icons to run commands, and link to several standard documents. Best of all, it is completely customizeable. The toolbar is just a CollectedThought™ document - you can edit it and define your own toolbars that every document will use... or each document can have its own toolbar!

These toolbars are examples of our active document technology - any object in a document can be given actions to perform when they receive a left or right click or a double click event.

In response to an event, a script can be run, another program can be launched, a different document may be opened, or an object can be created. There are literally thousands of possibilities. And since our objects include images, symbols, and shapes, as well as traditional CAD objects, your toolbar can look just the way you like. A small icon can create a copy of a prototype object, with all of your favorite settings and options already made. Why waste time repeating yourself?

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